Exoplanets are planets that exist outside of our planetary system. Astronomers first identified an exoplanet that is nearly double measure of the proportion of our world and has been discovered to be potentially livable.
There are now 5200 exoplanets that have been discovered. However, 50 astronomers from across the entire globe just verified the presence of Wolf 1069 b.
It is thought to revolve around Wolf 1069, a red dwarf star. They said in their research that it is extremely interesting because, as it circles in its star’s usual zone, it is likely a rocky world similar to Earth, making it a prime contender for liquid water to potentially be present on its surface.
Their data indicates that their research methodology is more likely to be similar to Earth’s. For example, the range between the sun and the earth is comparable to the gap between an exoplanet and its star. Furthermore, the exoplanet’s signal has a low amplitude, similar to that of Earth.
Because Wolf 1069 b revolves around its axis exactly once throughout its orbit around its parent star, one side is always in daylight and the other is always in darkness.
The moon in its orbit around Earth, as well as the majority of habitable exoplanets surrounding red dwarf stars, share this property. While tidal locking prevents the planet from rotating like Earth, the scientists suggest that its dayside can nonetheless support human life.